Toothpaste Vs. Toothpowder
Toothpaste (Yesterday) - You squeezed a tube, and scrubbed your teeth... then you struggled to push every last drop of toothpaste out before tossing the tube in the trash. Toothpaste tubes do not get recycled, reused, or repurposed... toothpaste tubes just fill our landfills. This choice makes no sense. You get clean teeth, and our planet is polluted.
Toothpowder (Today) - You can choose an easy zero-waste toothpaste alternative. You take some powder, and clean your teeth guilt-free... then just refill your jar or container; no struggle, or no waste... keeping the same taste.
Conclusion - You need clean teeth, and a powerful product that performs... but you don't need to create waste with traditional toothpaste anymore! Our zero-waste eco-friendly toothpaste alternative offers you the same taste, and performance you need while only using essential ingredients that you can refill not 'land kill' (oops... landfill). Choose responsibly... pick planet over plastic today.
Traditional Vs. Organic
Traditional (Yesterday) - You wrap plastic fiber around your fingers, or grab a plastic stick, do what the dentist tells you, and pollute our planet with plastic waste in the process. The moment you're done flossing our planet is polluted, and all that plastic waste was only created to get between your teeth... that's it. This simple task creates tons of unnecessary plastic waste.
Organic (Today) - You can wrap organic plastic-free floss fiber around your finger, do what the dentist tells you, and protect our planet from plastic waste. Our zero-waste eco-friendly floss alternative gets the job done. Floss like an eco-boss, and toss your zero-waste floss in the compost. When your all out, order a refill, and chill.
Conclusion - Flossing is necessary, but tossing plastic in the trash daily is not. Today you can choose an zero-waste eco-friendly dental floss alternative that will get the job done for you, and our planet. Ditch the plastic fibers and switch to zero-waste eco-friendly dental floss today. Put plastic in the past.
Single-Use Vs. Sustainable
Single-Use (Yesterday) - You pick up a plastic razor with some disposable razor blades, lather some foreign creamy foam on your face, and shave. You shave regularly and repeat this process, then throw out all the products... the razor blade cartridges go in the trash, and the handle eventually finds its way to the garbage too. Meanwhile, this ritual of shaving is enslaving our planet with tons of plastic waste. We continue this habit without thinking, spending money on plastic products that temporarily make us look clean and attractive, while punishing our planet with plastic. The hair keeps growing and we keep going knowing that our unconscious actions are not sustainable. That all changes today, because now you understand the true impact of this choice.
Sustainable (Today) - You can pick up a plastic-free high quality bamboo or metal razor that will last a lifetime, save you money, and eliminate the need for single-use plastic. With this razor you will get a clean shave, and be grooming guilt-free. The zero-waste safety razor blades are easy to use, create no waste, are simple to switch, and cut hair cleaner than any multi-blade razor. It's a fact; these zero-waste single safety razor blades get the job done properly... for you and our planet.
Conclusion - Our hair grows, then we cut it with plastic products which leaves unnecessary waste on our planet. In the past, we bought products without thinking about the full product lifecycle. Today, we are aware of the impact our choices have, we are aware of the simple zero-waste eco-friendly shaving solution, and we have the opportunity to ditch the plastic and switch to eco-friendly essential shaving products that protect our planet, and put plastic in the past.
Plastic Vs. Bamboo
Plastic (Yesterday) - You grab a piece of plastic everyday, put it in your mouth, then every 3-6 months you toss it in the trash, and the plastic toothbrush takes +400 years to degrade on our planet... Let's rephrase that, you use some plastic thing for 180 days, then the planet deals with it for about 146,000 days. Why choose a plastic toothbrush that doesn't do anything special? It just cleans your teeth, just like a zero-waste eco-friendly bamboo toothbrush... even the electric toothbrushes, just clean your teeth. Yet every type of plastic toothbrush destroys our planet. This is a problem our world, and the next 7 generations face all because your last plastic toothbrush was conveniently available in-store. That all changes today, because now you know the true impact of this choice. This is a problem we can solve today.
Bamboo (Today) - You can switch to bamboo, a plastic-free sustainable material that transforms your toothbrush while keeping the essential performance. When you switch to a bamboo toothbrush and ditch your last plastic toothbrush, you are switching more than the tool you use daily. You are eliminating the need for single-use plastic. Today you can choose to stop using single-use plastic and take your first small step by switching to an eco-friendly zero-waste bamboo toothbrush... for Canadians... by Canadians.
Conclusion - Toothbrushes are not special, and don't need to be plastic. Eco-friendly bamboo toothbrushes are an easy simple solution to eliminate plastic in your bathroom. Whether you are 8 or 80 years old, you can switch what you hold today. Put plastic in the past and choose planet over plastic with every bamboo toothbrush you buy.

Waste Vs. No-Waste
Waste - (Yesterday) We stood in the shower, and glanced at several plastic bottles... the packaging telling us what's what, and why the product will solve our individual problems, while ignoring our collective problem. We're all victims, and villians of these polluting practices, because we've never known better. Whether we use all-natural cruelty-free shampoo bottles or the 'leading-brand' we've all been contributing to the same problem. Yesterday we wasted, and now we taste it... in our minds we know it's time to ditch the plastic and switch to zero-waste products, for Canadians... by Canadians.
Zero-Waste - (Today) We stand in a plastic-free shower, and see nothing but natural zero-waste eco-friendly bathroom products. No plastic packaging, just simple natural soaps and shampoos that get the job done while protecting our planet from useless trash. We clean ourselves and leave no-trace, because we care about creating zero-waste space. We know the damage plastic does to our planet, and recognize the difference we make when switching to zero-waste eco-friendly bathroom products. Today we can put plastic in the past.
Conclusion - We could stand on a soapbox and cry "Plastic, Plastic, Problem, Protect, Planet"... and we might. But for now, the cry is here against our habits and misguided perceptions with bathroom products. The convenience plastic provides our people is killing our planet. The decisions we make today, right now impact our planet longer than we care to know, it's terrifying... Today we can be plastic-free, ditch our traditional plastic products and switch to zero-waste eco-friendly bathroom products. Made for Canadians... by Canadians.